

Manqabat in Honor of Hazrat Ali (RA) in English Language

Eulogy of Hazrat Ali

انگریزی زبان میں منقبت در شان حضرت علی رضی اللہ عنہ



Prophet Muhammad's flag holder Ali
Is Winner of the big fort khaiber Ali

Prophet said Ali is gate of wisdom's fort
Knowledge itself says, is a wonder Ali

Man kunta maula hadith is its proof
For all muslim people is leader Ali

Why should not we say ya Ali mushkil kusha
Of all community is savior Ali

Felt proud to be eulogist of prophet
Of prophet Muhammad is lover Ali

Reflected thoughts of prophet Muhammad
In true sense is Mohammed's mirror Ali

Humanity owes him a lot" Aini"
In Islam's history great character Ali

Sayed Khadim Rasool Aini

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